The Future Prospect of Digital Marketing in Indonesia
Indonesia is one of the largest internet users and it boosts new things including business. More and more business owners or companies are trying to develop their business by using internet network. Online business can’t be separated with the role of digital marketing. So, how is the prospect of digital marketing industry in Indonesia? What is the role of digital marketing agency in Indonesia?

The Development of Internet Users in Indonesia
Due to the fact that Indonesia is one of the largest internet users, the future prospect of digital marketing will be great. It can be seen from the statistic on internet users and the spending time to use internet. Interestingly, the trend of using internet for business, finding information, products, services, and brands is not only happening in Indonesia but also worldwide.

The statistic stated that around 5.1 billion people around the world are considered as an active mobile user whereas around 4.1 billion people are considered as an active internet user. The statistic shows that there is a significant improvement up to 53% on the use of internet worldwide. One of the most popular activities done by people while using internet is using social media. It can be seen from the statistic that around 3.2 billion of people are considered as an active social media user. At the same time, people want to do it simpler and as soon as they want anytime and anywhere. That’s why around 3.0 billion people tend to choose mobile phone to connect to their social media account.
In the case of spending time in using internet, Indonesia is considered as one of active internet user countries. The statistic stated that Indonesians tend to spend around 9 hours to use internet everyday. Because of the statistic, Indonesia is in the 4th position worldwide in the case of active internet user. Indonesians love to use mobile phone including connecting to internet. People tend to spend up to 4 hours to connect to internet by using their mobile devices. That’s why Indonesia is listed in the 3rd position worldwide in the case of the country which use mobile to connect to internet. At the same time, Indonesians also love to use internet to connect to social media. Most of the people have social media account and they spend around 3 hours per day in social media. While socialize and communicate through social media, people also tend to share interesting and important information by using their mobile phones. Due to the active internet users, the level of digital optimism for Indonesia is more than 50% and it reaches 71%. This percentage represents that people are welcoming new technology including digital technology. They feel that digital technology is useful for them. It makes Indonesia as one of optimistic countries in new technology. The challenge is on the way to promote products, services, and brands to the Indonesians. In fact, 50% of digital media users in Indonesia are blocked ads along with Ad blockers apps. Due to the active user of social media, social media grows significantly year by year in Indonesia.
Interestingly, people are using social media not only for socializing but also for trading. The statistic stated that Indonesians spend up to $251 for purchasing through ecommerce. The most popular social media in Indonesia is Facebook and around 130 million people have Facebook account.
The Digital Marketing Prospect in the Future
The statistic above concluded that digital marketing industry has a great prospect in the future. The best digital marketing strategy is using social media along with the facts below.
- There will be a significant improvement in social media. In the future, social media users are not only using their account to socialize but also to find information about products, services, and brands. In fact, they will get wider perspective about the things they want to know directly from the fans pages or friends.
- Internet users also use social media for helping them to purchase something. Using social media for purchasing something is like doing direct buying. The process is simpler, faster, and more effective and sometimes less formal.
- It is predicted that there will be new people who are considered as first time internet user. They need the most comfortable media to learn how to use internet or how to make online transactions. Due to this fact, audio visual will be the best option to accommodate those first time internet users. The use of audio visual digital marketing will make first time users understand what they want to do easier and faster.
- Because more and more internet users are using audio, voice control is more comfortable for them than keyboard and typing. They just need to say something they want to know and they get the data they want. It is more effective than typing the keywords.
- More and more people will be comfortable with visual information in the future. That’s why people who search image will be increased significantly. Digital marketers or advertisers have to notice this changing. They have to thing about sharing information in the form of info graphic, diagram, and any kind of images.

The Important Digital Marketing Courses Need to Be Mastered
Moreover, there are also some digital marketers or advertisers who want to learn and improve their skills. This is the reason why digital marketing agency and course is a good future prospect. There are several subjects which will be learned, those are:
- Direct Message Marketing Course
Direct message marketing is important skill because online customers want to get close with sellers. They need to know the background, profile, products, services, and anything before purchasing it. Direct message is the way to get closer with online customers. Indeed, you should know how to write an interesting and attracting message so online customers don’t assume that is a scam or spam messages.
- Social Communication Course
Social media is also an important element to boost digital marketing. The key of social media is a god social communication. You need to learn about how to handle followers and their comments so you can communicate your goals well. As the result, they will be get closer to you and finally do some actions.
- Social Search Course
In the future, people will find all they want to know from social media and the digital marketers or advertisers should know how to give trusted, interesting, and attracting information as well as easy to find information. The idea is learning how to create effective social search for maximal digital marketing result.
- Learn How to Involve Customers
Customers not only want to be a buyer but they also want to involve on something they buy. That’s why digital marketers or advertisers need to learn how to involve customers on their business to gain their trust.

The Best Digital Agency in Indonesia
Since there is a significant development in digital marketing, there is also a great improvement on digital advertising spending. In Indonesia, the digital advertising spending reaches $2.6 billion in 2020 and will be increased until 2022. Of course, the increasing is depending on several factors such as the cost, internet speed, technology, packages, skills, resources, and many more. It seems impossible to handle all alone and companies or online business owners need to ask a help from digital marketing agency. Arfadia is considered as a creative digital marketing agency in Jakarta Indonesia. The team is ready to handle any kind of digital marketing projects including :
- Integrated Digital Campaign projects.
- PR, Media planning and placement projects.
- Software Production
- Web application development projects.
- Mobile application development projects.
- Website development projects.
- Video, audio, and visual production projects.
- Webhosting
- Commercial photography.
- E-Learning
As the best marketing agency in Jakarta, Indonesia, Arfadia is trying to meet the needs of digital marketers or advertisers especially in providing trusted, interesting, and attracting contents. The service helps you to develop mobile platform, content marketing, and customer experience to strengthen online business. Arfadia is not only supported by professional team but also certified specifications to make sure that they only serve the best services. For example, they have ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and OHSAS 18001. The team is focusing on specific things including technology, education, training, software, hardware, and web application. Based on the services they can handle, it means they also ready to accept any kind of clients including students who want to study about digital marketing, digital marketing project management, health industries, sport industries, and government who want to develop specific village to have better digital marketing knowledge and understanding.

Arfadia received the award "The Most Engage Brand in Indonesia Digital World" from MIX Marketing Communications and SWA Media Inc. in project "BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Social Media" in the category "The Most Engage Social Media"
As a result of this work, the BPJS Ketenagakerjaan Team was satisfied with the services, performance, achievements and outputs provided by ARFADIA in this project.
Arfadia knows the important of social media and SEO to support effective digital marketing strategy. The team has enough experience, skill, and knowledge about how to boost digital marketing strategy through social media. They will handle and develop the social media well to attract more followers and friends to come. Then, they guide their client to communicate and get closer with their customers well. The main purpose is to make sure that their clients can achieve all digital marketing goals. As the client, you will have a personal digital marketing expert who will accompany you from the beginning up to the end of the process. The expert shows to you the real condition and what you have to do to develop it for better digital marketing performance and result. The best part, you don’t have to spend a lot of money because Arfadia is trying to give a competitive cost for their clients. In short, you are about to use the best digital agency in Indonesia to solve your digital marketing problems.
Best Digital Marketing Agency Jakarta Indonesia location
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Best Digital Marketing Agency in Jakarta Indonesia